Vertigo Voss double podium

Norway trip was a success with a second place in the solo acrobatic competition Vertigo Voss and first place from the synchro “eXpression Session” comp with Veso jumping from a helicopter.

On the way to Ekstremsportveko festival Bergen airport greeted us with wonderful sunny weather and even though both me and Veso didn’t have our equipment arriving we tried to stay positive. My best friends Anne and Mirek helped us with total logistics, super relaxed atmosphere and very comfy times in Voss. We were lucky enough to get all our stuff just one hour before the solo competition and the weather continued to be amazing. All three runs were done via boat-winching and saw the pilots get at least 900 meters of altitude. It was a full-on acro display with big runs including double esferas followed by multiple heli connections.

I flew my 2015 version of the Uinfnity 17 wing and rocked the runs thanks the stable wingtips that all of us still admire. My clean runs were cannibalized by average landings so I finished second close behind Francois Ragolski, with Veso Ovcharov coming in third. After having this wing for more than a year now, I love it more and more. It is predictable, with high energy for clean connections.

For the eXpression Session I teamed up with my partner Veso to pull off a big show. We jumped from the helicopter super high more than a 1000m and had a blast that the public enjoyed to the very last sip. Awarded by a first place was the best finish we could have had to our Norway trip. We will be back! Thank you all for the great time!